Aberlour Heritage Trail


Dr Thomas Alexander Sellar (1856-1950), born in Lhanbryde, Moray, built Dunleigh as the family home and medical surgery on Queens Road in 1882. The outbuildings originally contained a stable and a hay loft, accommodation for a groom and a coal cellar.

Dr Sellar served as medical doctor for Aberlour and community for 44 years up until his retirement in 1928. He made home visits throughout a huge rural area of 200 square miles by foot, bicycle, horse (sometimes with cart), and later by motor car.

Dr Beatrice Mary Sellar (1898-1985) was the youngest child of Dr TA Sellar. She returned from London to study Medicine at the University of Aberdeen and joined her father’s practice in 1923, going on to serve the community for 38 years. Her commitment involved many trips undertaken in wild weather by foot, by motorbike and later by car.

Dr John Stewart Caldwell Snr (1876-1935) married Dr TA Sellar’s elder daughter, Magdalene, and joined the practice in 1929.

His son Dr John Stewart Caldwell MBE (1923-2016) studied medicine at the University of Aberdeen and joined the practice in 1949. He retired in 1985 after 36 years of service.

Dunleigh was the family home for three generations of Sellars and Caldwells as well as the doctors' surgery before the present Aberlour Health Centre was built in 1971 attached to the Fleming Hospital. In total, the Sellar/Caldwell dynasty contributed to the greater welfare of Aberlour and District for over a century.

Dunleigh remained in the Sellar and Caldwell families up until its sale in 2017.

Dr Thomas Alexander Sellar (1856-1950) cam fae Lhanbryde tae Aiberlour. In 1882 he biggit the hoose he caad Dunleigh in this gran spot on Queens Road. (Locals still ca it the Doctor's Brae.) It wis a hame fur his faimly and the place far fowkies wid cam tae see aboot their ailments.

He wis the doctor fur Aiberlour an aboot 10 mile roonaboot. Fur 44 year he sortit ills, helpin fowk tae get better. He walkit it an biked it an rode a horse an cairt owre a great skelp o grun, on baith sides o Spey. In his hindmaist years, he eesed a car.

Dr Sellar wis jined, in 1923, by his youngest dother, Beatrice. She'd bin awa in London studyin Music, went tae dae Medicine at the Varsity in Aiberdeen an syne cam hame tae her ain fowk in Aiberlour. Fowk aa owre the place still mind Dr Bea as some wifie: trauvlin on her ain feet, on her motorbike, in snaw an gales, up hills an doon dales, tae sort broken banes, lance biles, bring bairns intae the warld. She retired fae her wark in 1961.

Beatrice's auler sister, Magdalene, merriet Dr John Caldwell an he jined Beatrice in 1928; syne his loon, John, graduated fae Aiberdeen an jined his Aunt Bea in 1949. He retired in 1985 an wis gien an MBE fae the queen fur fit he daen fur Aiberlour and the community.

Syne, fur mair nor a hunner years, this hoose, Dunleigh, wis the hert o healin fur Aiberlour an aa roon aboot. An three generations o Sellars and Caldwells served the fowkies o the place wi eident care.

Le Docteur Thomas Alexander Sellar (1856-1950), né à Lhanbryde, Moray, a construit Dunleigh comme maison familiale et cabinet médical sur Queens Road en 1882. Les dépendances contenaient à l'origine une écurie et un grenier à foin, les quartiers d'un palefrenier et une cave à charbon.

Le Dr Sellar a été médecin à Aberlour et dans la communauté pendant 44 ans jusqu'à sa retraite en 1928. Il a effectué des visites à domicile sur une grande zone rurale de 200 milles carrés à pied, à vélo, à cheval (parfois en chariot), puis en voiture.

Le Dr Beatrice Mary Sellar (1898-1985) était la plus jeune fille du Dr Sellar. Elle est revenue de Londres pour étudier la médecine à l'Université d'Aberdeen et a rejoint le cabinet de son père en 1923, au service de la communauté pendant 38 ans. Leur engagement impliquait de nombreux voyages effectués par temps sauvage à pied, en moto, puis en voiture.

Le Dr John Stewart Caldwell Snr (1876-1935) a épousé la fille aînée du Dr Sellar, Magdalene, et a rejoint le cabinet en 1929. Son fils, le Dr John Stewart Caldwell MBE (1923-2016) a étudié la médecine à l'Université d'Aberdeen et a rejoint le cabinet en 1949. Il a pris sa retraite en 1985 après 36 ans de service.

Dunleigh était la maison familiale de trois générations de Sellars et de Caldwells, ainsi que le cabinet médical avant la construction de l'actuel centre de santé Aberlour en 1971, rattaché à l'hôpital Fleming. Au total, la famille Sellar/Caldwell a contribué au bien-être d'Aberlour et des villes environnantes pendant plus d'un siècle. La propriété de Dunleigh est restée dans les familles Sellar et Caldwell jusqu'à sa vente en 2017.